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Fig. 18 | Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Fig. 18

From: Chest X-ray findings monitoring COVID-19 disease course and severity

Fig. 18

67-year male with positive COVID-19 virus. Initial X-ray (a) showed small right and left lower zonal midzonal air space consolidation opacities (arrows) with TSS as 2. On the 3rd day (b), air space consolidation opacities increased extended to involve most of the left lung and the lower zone of the right lung with midzonal patches (arrows); TSS reached 5 (3 on LT side and 2 on right side). The patient deteriorated and was hypoxemic, so he was intubated. On the 7th day (c), the patient developed pneumothorax and ICT was inserted. On the 9th day (d), 13th day (e), and 16th day (f), there was air space consolidation (arrows) more on the left lung with mild pneumothorax (black arrows on d and e). Minimal right pleural effusion was seen on (short arrows on e and f). The total severity score was 6 on d–f; the patient died

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