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Fig. 6 | Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Fig. 6

From: The diagnostic value of normalized ADC using spleen as reference organ in assessment liver fibrosis

Fig. 6

a- 53 years old HCV positive male patient underwent Fibroscan with 6.3kPa which was classified as F1 stage. (F1=5-7 kPa), his Diffusion study: reveals mildly enlarged liver with no focal lesions. The spleen was of average size with no focal lesions. (a)- ADC map, and (b) - DWI at b = 800- reveals liver mean ADC = 2.4 × 10−3 mm2/s, and spleen mean ADC = 1.7× 10−3 mm2/s so normalized ADC= 1.429(F1 nADC cut off =1.44). b- His ultrasound study reveals mild hepatomegaly (16.5 cm) with no cirrhotic features or focal lesions. (c)-There was periportal fibrosis that can explain the low normalized ADC value as by further researches there might be subtypes in one stage

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