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Table 1 Number of cases, age distribution, and endometrial thickness of the studied groups

From: Diagnostic value of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in differentiation between normal and abnormally thickened endometrium: prospective study



No. = 24



No. = 21



No. = 20


Test of significance

Within-group comparison


47.28 ± 14.15

51.19 ± 11.1

56.15 ± 8.33

F = 3.07

P = 0.05

P1 = 0.26

P2 = 0.01*

P3 = 0.18

Endometrial thickness by TVS (mm)

5.96 ± 1.64

15.81 ± 5.24

16.3 ± 3.25

F = 50.82

P < 0.001*

P1 < 0.001*

P2 < 0.001*

P3 = 0.18

  1. F: One-way ANOVA test. P1: the difference between normal and benign lesions (P1 < 0.001* as regards endometrial thickness). P2: the difference between normal and malignant lesions (P2 < 0.001* as regards endometrial thickness). P3: the difference between benign and malignant lesions (P3 = 0.18 as regard endometrial thickness). All parameters described as mean ± SD