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Table 1 Differential diagnosis for cystic lesions in and around the popliteal fossa

From: Lymphangioma of popliteal fossa masquerading as Baker’s cyst


Ganglion cyst

Baker’s cyst

Parameniscal cyst


Age predominance


4–7 years/35–70 years



Related structures

Joint-related ligament and tendon

Gastrocnemius semimenbranosus bursa

Meniscocapsular junction

Intermuscular plane

Knee joint extension/association





Well-defined anechoic to hypoechoic lesion with few internal septae

Well-defined anechoic cyst extending to the joint space. ‘Speech bubble’ sign

Internal echoes can be seen if infected

Anechoic to hypoechoic cyst with a tear in the adjacent meniscus

Multiloculated cystic lesion with thin septations mostly anechoic but can have internal echoes when associated with infection or haemorrhage


T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense cystic lesion ± few thin internal septations

+/ peripheral post-contrast enhancement

T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense cystic lesion extending from the joint space

No post-contrast enhancement

T2 hyperintense cyst communicating with a tear in the adjacent meniscus

No post-contrast enhancement

T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense multiloculated cystic lesion away from the joint

Peripheral and septal enhancement +


Thin connective tissue capsule without synovial lining

Synovial tissue lining with fibrous component

Lined by synoviocytes, collagen and fibroelastic cartilage

Macroscopic multiseptated lymphatic spaces