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Table 2 Reporting language by RSNA for CT findings related to COVID-19

From: COVITALE 2020 from eastern Indian population: imageologists perspective, a learning curve


CT findings


Typical appearance

Peripheral, bilateral, GGO with or without consolidation or visible intralobular lines (“crazy-paving”)

Multifocal GGO of rounded morphology with or without consolidation or visible intralobular lines (“crazy-paving”)

Reverse halo sign or other findings of organizing pneumonia (seen later in the disease)

Commonly reported imaging features of greater specificity for COVID-19 pneumonia

Indeterminate appearance

Absence of typical features AND presence of:

Multifocal, diffuse, perihilar or unilateral GGO with or without consolidation lacking a specific distribution and are non-rounded or non-peripheral

Few very small GGO with a non-rounded and non-peripheral distribution

Non-specific imaging features of COVID-19 pneumonia

Atypical appearance

Absence of typical or indeterminate features and presence of:

Isolated lobar or segmental consolidation without GGO

Discrete small nodules (centrilobular,“tree-in bud”)

Lung cavitation

Smooth interlobular septal thickening with pleural effusion

Uncommonly or not reported features of COVID-19 pneumonia

Negative for pneumonia

No CT features to suggest pneumonia

No features of pneumonia