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Table 2 Classification of the included patients according to clinical situation and impact on clinical decision after HRCT results

From: Spectrum of HRCT findings among asymptomatic and recovered COVID-19 patients: how did they impact the clinical decision?

Group of patients:

Included patients:



Clinical decision changes:


(Initially screened)


People with positive contact history with proved COVID-19 patients:

30/60 patients (including):

- First degree relatives (17).

- Work colleagues (13).

* N.B: 19/30 patients (63%) had negative prior first PCR results.





Home isolation, medical treatment and PCR testing instead for uncontrolled release. (Repeating PCR for those 19 patients who showed initial negative prior PCR swab tests’ results → Proved positive later).


Health care providers with positive contact history with proved COVID-19 patients:

12/60 patients (including):

- 7 doctors

- 5 nurses.

* N.B: 7/12 patients (58.3%) had negative prior first PCR results.





Home isolation, medical treatment and PCR testing instead of continuing providing health service. (Repeating PCR for those 7 patients who showed negative prior PCR swab tests’ results → Proved positive later).


Dialysis unit: Chest HCRT screening before admission for dialysis.

4/60 patients known with end stage renal disease (ESRD)


PCR testing, isolated hospitalization and isolated dialysis.


Oncology unit: Chest HRCT screening before admission for receiving chemotherapy.

2/60 patients (including):

- Metastasizing colon cancer.

- Breast cancer.


PCR testing, isolated hospitalization and delay of chemotherapy cycles.


Emergency unit: Chest HRCT screening before surgery planning.

2/60 patients (including):

- RTA.

- Abdominal exploration.


* PCR testing and isolated hospitalization with for the patients.

* Full PPE order for the surgery stuff.


Intervention unit: Chest HRCT screening before interventional procedure.

1/60 patient asked for CT guided biopsy


* PCR testing, isolated hospitalization, and delaying biopsy appointment.


Radiology unit: Chest HRCT screening during or before performing extra-thoracic radiological investigation.

9/60 patients (including):

- CT enterocolonography (5).

- Urgent CT abdomen (3).

- Dorsal spine MRI as metastatic workup for cancer prostate (1).





* Strict infection control measures for CT and MRI machines.

* PCR testing then home isolation and isolated hospitalization for 3 and 6 patients respectively.

* Full PPE instructions for the surgery stuff required for the three urgent cases.

Asymptomatic (Recovered)

Follow up CT after two consecutive negative PCR results for previous proved COVID-19 patients.

60 Patients

* All had unremarkable laboratory tests and normal O2 sat levels.


* Whatever the unexpected CT findings or lesions size, clinical decision remain unchanged; no need for re-isolation or re-hospitalization.

* Steroids were prescribed to speed lung recovery.

* Long term follow up for lung fibrosis was advised.