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Table 1 TMN staging for RCC [8]

From: Multimodality imaging review of focal renal lesions

TMN stage

Disease extent


Tumor ≤ 7 cm and confined to the kidney

 • T1a

 • Tumor ≤ 4 cm

 • T1b

 • Tumor > 4 cm but ≤ 7 cm


Tumor > 7 cm and confined to the kidney

 • T2a

 • Tumor > 7 cm but ≤ 10 cm

 • T2b

 • Tumor > 10 cm but confined to the kidney


Tumor extension into major veins or perinephric tissues but not into ipsilateral adrenal gland or beyond Gerota’s fascia

 • T3a

 • Tumor grossly extends into the renal vein or its segmental (muscle containing) or tumor invades perirenal and/or renal sinus fat but not beyond Gerota’s fascia

 • T3b

 • Tumor grossly extends into the vena cava below the diaphragm

 • T3c

 • Tumor grossly extends into the vena cava above the diaphragm or invades the wall of the vena cava


Tumor invades ipsilateral adrenal gland or extends through Gerota’s fascia


No regional lymph node metastases


Metastases to regional lymph nodes


No distant metastases


Distant metastases