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Fig. 4 | Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Diagnostic accuracy of B-mode ultrasound, ultrasound elastography and diffusion weighted MRI in differentiation of thyroid nodules (prospective study)

Fig. 4

Female patient aged 26 years presented with left lobe nodule. Ultrasound features of the nodule A: The left lobe shows solid hypoechoic nodule, wider more than taller with well-defined outline. No calcifications were noted. TIRADS categorization: TIRADS (4). On elastography color map B: most of the nodule is shaded with red and green (centrally) with small peripheral blue areas. Elastography score: (2) Strain ratio = 0.99. MRI study: T2 weighted image C: left lobe nodule with intermediate signal intensity is seen. Diffusion weighted images D: the nodule shows high signal intensity. ADC mapping E: it shows low signal with ADC value = 0.94 × 10−3. Pathology: follicular thyroid carcinoma

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