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Table 2 Relevant events in the patient’s history

From: Imaging findings of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma invading orbital apex and middle cranial fossa: a case report

2021, July

Worsening nasal obstruction from the right nostril, headache, and mucopurulent rhinorrhea

2021, August

First of multiple episodes of epistaxis from the right nostril

2021, November the 18th

Vision impairment in the right eye associated with proptosis and periorbital swelling

2021, November the 25th

MR of the head, orbits, and maxillofacial regions with contrast medium, followed by a maxillofacial CT

2021, December the 13th

Selective embolization of the mass

2021, December the 14th


2021, December the 18th

MR follow-up evidencing a small elongated enhancing nodule localized at the right foramen rotundum

2022, December

MR follow-up showing stable findings, consistent with fibrosis