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Table 4 Comparison between the control and DCM groups (LGE and non-LGE segments) concerning T1 native values

From: Can native T1 mapping sequence be used as a non-invasive alternative imaging tool to LGE sequence for evaluating DCM patients?


LGE positive group

N = 46 segments

LGE negative group

N = 434 segments

Control group

N = 240 segments

P value

T1 native value (mean ± SD)

1147.43 ± 30.49 ms

1080.40 ± 40.04 ms

1014.61 ± 29.46 ms

 < 0.001*

  1. *One way ANOVA test; P < 0.05 is statistically significant and P < 0.001 is highly significant
  2. LGE late gadolinium enhancement