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Table 2 Miller-Payne grading system for histopathologic response evaluation [14]

From: Role of 18 fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in assessment of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in breast cancer patients

Miller-Payne system

Histopathologic findings

Grade 1

No change or some alteration to individual malignant cells, but no reduction in overall cellularity

Grade 2

A minor loss of tumor cells, but overall, cellularity is still high, up to 30% loss

Grade 3

Between an estimated 30% and 90% reduction in tumor cells

Grade 4

A marked disappearance of tumor cells such that only small clusters or widely dispersed individual cells remain > 90% loss of tumor cells

Grade 5

No malignant cells identifiable in sections from the site of the tumor